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Beat Winter And Glow Like It's Summer

Awake by Shayaa

The cold weather has started to realy kick in now here in Nottingham UK, this is when our skin tends to be a little on the dry side, as we go from the warmth of central heating to the cold outdoors. So what do we need to do? Protect! is the quick answer, and how do we do that? we use non toxic harmful products on our face, hair, and body. What products are best to use? well we have a fantastic range of HandMade Plant based products which are Natural/organic.

We have 9 creamy Butters available at the moment but let me give you my best suggestions for winter protection.

Coco Coconut Cream has a high amount of raw Organic Cocoa butter in it. we love Cocoa butter because it heals, realy this is true it contains Collagen and Elastin, which are used in the wound healing process to help rebuild the cellular structure of the skin, it's full of Anti oxident's Vitamin A,C & E which kill free radicals and prevent long ter, damage from pollution & the sun. Cocoa butter also contains Phenyl Ethylamine, the same compound we produce when we love someone, which can enhance your mood and make you feel ultra relaxed.

We have a few products in our range which contain Cocoa Butter here's a quick list for you.

Coco Coconut Cream (CCC) for short

Cairo's Secret

Nubian Twist we know you guy's love this one but it's not quite ready yet, look out for our news letter so we can inform you when it's back in stock.

You no longer have to come to us for our range you can buy from our site just click on the product name or image at the top and it will shoot you straight over to the page.

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